
2020                MFA, Printmaking, Ohio University, Athens, OH

Visual Arts Management Certificate, Ohio University, Athens, OH

2017                 BFA, Studio Art, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO

2012-13            General Studies, Missouri Baptist University, St. Louis, MO


Academic Appointments:

2023-Present    Visual Arts Technician, CVAD Foundations Program, University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, TX

2022-Present    Lead Faculty, CVAD Foundations Program, UNT, Denton, TX (courses taught: Narrative and Representation, Spring

2024 and Fall 2023, and Perception and Translation, Spring 2023 and Fall 2022)

2022                 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Art History, UNT, Denton, TX (course taught: Art Appreciation, Fall 2022)

2021-22            Adjunct Instructor, Department of Studio Art, UNT, Denton, TX (courses taught: Beginning Printmaking: Screen

Printing, Spring 2022 and Fall 2021)

Adjunct Assistant, CVAD Foundations Program, UNT, Denton, TX (courses taught: Narrative and Representation,

Spring 2022, and Space, Fall 2021)

2021                 Adjunct Instructor, Printmaking Department, Ohio University (OHIO), Athens, Ohio (courses taught: Printmaking Way

of Thinking and Screen and Paper, Spring 2021)

2019-20            Instructor of Record, Printmaking Department, OHIO, Athens, Ohio (courses taught: Multimedia Studio and

Introduction to Drawing, Summer 2020, Public Art: Murals, Spring 2020, Screen and Paper, Fall 2019)

2017-19            Teaching Assistant, OHIO, Athens, Ohio (courses taught: Letterpress and Bookbinding, Fall 2019, Advanced

Printmaking, Fall 2018, Seeing and Knowing, Summer 2018, Image, Spring 2018, and Screen and Paper,

Fall 2017)

Professional Experience:

2021-22            Videographer, Melissa Haviland, Athens, OH

Printmaking Technician, Ohio University (OHIO), Athens, OH

Project Coordinator, OHIO, Athens, OH

Graduate Studio Facilities Operations Coordinator, OHIO, Athens, OH

2019                 Art Handler and Fabricator, Reflective Objects: Collectors and Their Collections, The Kennedy Museum of Art,

Athens, OH

Videographer, Printing a Color Etching, Art Werger, Athens, OH

Maker Space Technician, OHIO, Athens, OH

Graduate Studio Liaison, OHIO, Athens, OH

2018                 Designer and Fabricator, Treatment for the Sustainable Production of Pigment Project, Sugar Bush Foundation,

Athens, OH

Woodshop Technician, OHIO, Athens, OH

                        Videographer, Art Werger in the Studio, Art Werger, Athens, OH

2015-17            Artist Assistant and Fabricator, Fountain Street Roundabout Sculpture Project, Assisting Artist: Chris Wubbena,

Cape Girardeau, MO

River Campus Gallery Assistant, Art Department, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO), Cape Girardeau, MO

Restorationist, Letterpress Plate Restoration Project, Kent Library Archives Department, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO

                        Letterpress Shop Manager, Catapult Creative House, Cape Girardeau, MO

Visiting Artist Lectures/Presentations/Workshops/Conferences:

2024                 “Artificial Intelligence as a Pedagogical Tool for Student Research in Foundations,” Revolutionizing Visual Arts

Education: The Impact of AI, Raymond Yeager (chair), Terry Davis (panelist), CAA Conference 2024,

Chicago, IL, (scheduled February 14-17, 2023)

2023                 “Artificial Intelligence as a Pedagogical Tool for Student Research in Foundations,” AI: A panel discussion on the

pitfalls and possibilities, Paul Catanese (chair), Michael Borowski (panelist), Terry Davis (panelist), Karl

Erickson (panelist), SECAC Conference 2023, Richmond, VA, October 11-14, 2023.

“Artificial Intelligence as a Pedagogical Tool for Student Research in Foundations,” Panel #18: Reskilling for

Creativity: Approaching Innovation Ideation as a Core Foundational Skill, Joshua Field (chair), Laura Graham

(panelist), Binod Shrestha (panelist), Terry Davis (panelist), Kaye Kretz (panelist), FATE Conference 2023,

Denver, CO, April 13-15, 2023.

2021                 Lecture, Outside/Inside, After Hours: Conversations on Art and Culture, The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri,

Cape Girardeau, MO

Lecture, BC Art Gallery, Brazosport College, Lake Jackson, TX

Lecture, Artist Talk, The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri, Cape Girardeau, MO           

Lecture, Artist Talk, The Esther Allen Greer Museum Gallery, The University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, OH

Workshop, Stencil Printing, The University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, OH

2020                 Lecture, Artist Talk, Prof. Justin H. Miller’s Professional Practice Class, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO),

Cape Girardeau, MO

2019                 Lecture, Artist Talk, Prof. Justin H. Miller’s Painting Class, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO

Workshop, COFA Admissions Letterpress Workshop, OHIO, Athens, OH

                        Workshop, Teen Summer Session Printmaking Workshop, OHIO, Athens, OH

2016                 Workshop, Creative Kick: High School Teacher Printmaking Workshop, Catapult Creative House (CCH), Cape

Girardeau, MO

Workshop, Protégé Leadership Academy Print Workshop, CCH, Cape Girardeau, MO

Awards & Grants:

2023                 Cornerstone Grant, University of North Texas (UNT), College of Visual Art and Design (CVAD), Denton, TX

                        Teaching Excellence Award, CVAD Foundations Program, UNT, Denton, TX

2020                The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Grant, Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

(HEERF), Ohio University, Athens, OH

2016-17            Best in Show Award, Annual Juried Exhibition, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO), Cape Girardeau, MO

Printmaking Merit Award, Annual Juried Exhibition, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO

Painting Merit Award, Annual Juried Exhibition, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO


Solo, Two-, and Three-Person Exhibitions:

2023                 Buddy System, Three-Person Exhibition, Kevin Contreras (artist) Terry Davis (artist), Max Raign (artist),

False Door Gallery, Denton, TX

It Gets Better Or It Doesn’t, Artist Emmy Bright’s Solo Exhibition, CVAD Gallery, University of North Texas, Denton, TX

(collaborative karaoke performance with artist and video piece)

2021                 Stop That Cryin’, Solo Exhibition, Brazosport College Art Gallery, Brazosport College, Lake Jackson, TX 

Stop That Cryin’, Solo Exhibition, The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri, Cape Girardeau, MO

Fake Idols and Dead Role Models, Solo Exhibition, The Esther Allen Greer Museum Gallery, The University of

Rio Grande, Rio Grande, OH

2020                 Sad Simulacrum, MFA Exhibition, Trisolini Gallery, Ohio University, Athens, OH

2018                 Proverbial Figures, Three-Person Exhibition, Starbrick Gallery, Nelsonville, OH

2017                 Playhouse: The Weight of Memories, BFA Exhibition, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO), River Campus

Art Gallery, Cape Girardeau, MO

Undergraduate Retrospective, Solo Exhibition, Catapult Creative House Gallery, Cape Girardeau, MO

Selected Group and Juried Exhibitions:

2023                 University of North Texas Faculty Art Exhibition, Group Exhibition, UNT CoLab, Denton, TX

Speedbump lil d 2023, Group Exhibition, Heather Lane Gallery, Denton, TX

2022                 Life is F****** Weird, Group Exhibition, Columbus Printed Art Center, Columbus, OH

Hot and Sweaty, Group Exhibition, 500X Art Gallery, Dallas, TX

2021                 Recollections, Group Exhibition Curated and Organized by: Thuong Hoai Tran & Madison Nicole May, Bend Gallery,

Chicago, IL

Ordinary Lives, National Juried Exhibition, Juror: Kari Woolsey, The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri,

Cape Girardeau, MO

2020                 Cul-de-sac Print Exchange, Columbus Printed Arts Center, Columbus, OH (exhibited at Gathered Glassblowing Studio,

Toledo, OH, 2020, and Zach Fitchner at Davis Fine Arts Gallery, West Virginia State University, WV 2021)

2019                 Imbricated: Work from Three Institutions, Group Exhibition Organized by the Ohio University Printmaking

Department, Arts West, Athens, OH

Making, Collecting, and Influencing, Juried Exhibition, Juror: Justin H. Miller, SEMO River Campus Gallery,

Cape Girardeau, MO

2018                 ii., OHIO, Group Exhibition, Ohio University Art Gallery, Athens, OH

(Un)Necessary Duplicates Installation, Group Exhibition, Albany County Public Library, Mid America Print Council,

Laramie, WY

Perspective: Brainstorming Indefinite Solutions to a Definite Issue, Group Exhibition, Image Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

                         Overture, Group Exhibition, OHIO, Trisolini Gallery, Athens, OH                          

Gray Matter: A Graphite Art Exhibition, Group Exhibition, Thumbprint Gallery, La Jolla, CA

2017                 Flights of Fantasy, Juried Exhibition, Juror: Wendy Martin, Arts Council of Southeast Missouri, Cape Girardeau, MO

What do We do With All of This___?, Group Exhibition, Organized by Ashley Sexton, Catapult Creative House,

Cape Girardeau, MO

Annual Juried Student Exhibition, Juried Exhibition, Juror: Meghan Singleton, SEMO, Rosemary Berkel &

Harry L. Crisp II Museum, Cape Girardeau, MO

2016                 Literary Innovation: A Juried National Exhibition Inspired by William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway,

Juried Exhibition, Juror: Chris Rieger, CCH, Cape Girardeau, MO

Faceoff: The Human Form from the Artist’s Perspective, Group Exhibition, Kellerman Foundation for Historic

Preservation, Cape Girardeau, MO

Dream State, Group Exhibition, Cape Girardeau Public Library, Cape Girardeau, MO

Annual Juried Student Exhibition, Juried Exhibition, Juror: Chris Kahler, SEMO, Rosemary Berkel & Harry L. Crisp II

Museum, Cape Girardeau, MO

Provost’s Research & Creativity Showcase, Group Exhibition, Dubai Exchange Exhibition, Cape Girardeau, MO

                        SGCI Print Exchange Exhibition, Group Exhibition, Southern Graphics Council International, Portland, OR

2015                 Within These Walls: Catapult Mentor Exhibition, Group Exhibition, CCH, Cape Girardeau, MO


2021                 Southeast Missouri State University, “Southeast Alumnus to Present ‘Outside/Inside’ in After Hours Series Dec. 9”,

Cape Girardeau, MO

Brazosport College, “BC Art Gallery featuring the printmaking art of Terry Davis”, Brazosport College,

Lake Jackson, TX 

Kennedy Museum of Art, “Alumni Spotlight,” Athens, OH

2019                 WBUR (NPR), “When Your Daughter’s Imaginary Friend Might Not Be So Imaginary,” Boston, MA

B Magazine, “The Business Owners of the Indie House,” Cape Girardeau, MO, Southeast Missourian,

“Let's paint: Southeast alumnus paints a mural in downtown Cape,” Cape Girardeau, MO

Southeast Missourian, “New beauty graces the street in Cape Girardeau,” Cape Girardeau, MO

Warm Soda, “Project to Fill Cape Girardeau with Accessible Art,” St. Louis, MO

2017                 KFVS12 News, “Mural in Jackson, MO aims to draw more people to the library to read,” Cape Girardeau, MO

Southeast Missourian, “Jackson Regional Library Mural Commission,” Jackson, MO

2016                 Alumni Magazine, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO