Terry Kolb Davis

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New Print in the Works - Life is F****** Weird Print Portfolio

Concept Sketch, Graphite and Digital Drawing, 2022

I have a new print in the works. It is my contribution to the Life is F****** Weird print portfolio organized by Felicity Gunn. I met Felicity during my time at Ohio University. I’ve taught her twice, once in Screen and Paper and a second time in Printmaking Way of Thinking. She was a wonderful student and she is a talented artist. I am proud to have been invited to be a part of her portfolio.

To be honest, I’ve been dragging my feet designing the print for this portfolio for months. The good news is that I’ve finally made some progress. It isn’t much, but I have developed a rough sketch that I think will serve as the basic key layer for my printed image. I know that I’m using the silkscreen printing technique and that it will be three layers. All the other details are awash, but I am exploring the subject matter that I use often; The Male-Sex Role.

The content of the print is based on the male-sex roll stereotype “Give ‘Em Hell”, which is outlined in a book I reference for research that was written in the late 70s. The research is dated, but the message of that research is more relevant today than ever. In the image, I have a group of male-sex figurative stereotypes fighting each other in a violent brawl. Some love the activity, others loather it, and one figure central to the composition is coming to some kind of realization mid-fight. In the top right corner, bombs are dropping.

I’m not sure where this piece is heading. I don’t have answers yet, but I’m excited to let things develop naturally through the making process. I haven’t made anything substantial since August, so It’s high time I got back into the art-making saddle. HYAH!